Tuesday, June 10, 2008


What can I say about Philly....HOT is the first word that comes to my head. Wow, it was so hot and humid I think I can honestly say it could have been one of the hottest races I have ever done. The team raced really well and we are now in Minnesota where it is not hot. It's raining as I am typing this and will continue to rain most of the week. I thought we left this weather in Montreal!!!! Oh well, part of the job. Here are a few pictures from Philly.
The A-Team at the last round about before the finish.

This little kid was a crack up. He was such a show off for us girls. His proud dad was following behind. I decided to take some picture of him and then he swerved and almost took me out. Not good, I don't need any more road rash.

And I couldn't forget little turtle, he was tucked in bed ready to get some sleep. He's our biggest fan, so he gets tired cheering us on all day.

1 comment:

Profisc said...

THE TURTLE!!!!!!!!
He is adored by everyone.. always tired after a day of swannying, wrenching and podium duties...